Open Positions for 2024 Pride Portland!
Parade Team Lead - 1 year term
Organize and administer the Pride Parade, including managing registrations, submitting permit applications, coordinating with the City of Portland's Parks & Rec Dept (?) and Portland Police Department. Determine Parade Line-up and Staging. Works closely with the Festival Team Lead.
Accounting Assistant- 1 year term
The Accounting assistant shall, in cooperation with the Treasurer, assure that the financial affairs of Pride, including daily disbursements, collections, audits, and financial re-views, are properly maintained and executed. The Accounting assistant shall help prepare financial statements and report to the Treasurer.
Advisory Team Lead - 2 year term
Raise awareness about, help establish and administer the advisory boards; and act as a conduit between the advisory boards and Pride Portland.
Marketing Team Lead - 2 year term
Manage Social Media, Coordinating with Local Print, Radio and Television to promote Pride Portland's Parade and Festival. Pride Portland's primary Media Contact, including interviews and Press Releases. Maintaining online Calendar of Events, including researching and promoting events hosted by solidarity organizations.
Volunteer Team Lead - 2 year term
Volunteer and Membership & Volunteer Lead is responsible for recording and tracking membership statuses for election purposes (voting rights), recruitment, engagement, and reporting purposes. This position also serves as the main contact point for all volunteer inquiries and outreach as well as recruiting new volunteers, coordinating any volunteer training or informational sessions, delegating volunteer roles for the pride parade and festival, communicating regularly with all team members on parade and festival needs, and creating a volunteer contingency plan.
Development Team Lead - 2 year term
Maintain good relationships with donors, develop and execute a fundraising strategy and to maintain donor records and contact information.
Main Stage Team Assistant- 1 year term
Recruit performers for the main stage of the Pride Festival, organize and create a team to organize and administer the main stage during the Pride Festival, and the Parade Stage during the Parade. This team may include a stage manager, stagehands, green room attendants, and other team members as determined by the Main Stage Committee, or the Steering Committee.